Donor Advised Funds
Make a lasting impact for the planet with a grant to the Virginia Dental Association Foundation (VDAF) from your donor-advised fund. A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a convenient way to support the VDAF. You can use your DAF to make a one-time or a recurring grant.
Please direct your DAF distribution to the VDAF and mail to:
3460 Mayland Court, Suite 110
Richmond, VA 23233
Tax ID number: 54-1821602
Ask your DAF representative to include your name and address on the distribution.
If you do not have a DAF, contact your financial advisor to learn how to set up your charitable giving account.
How to use the DAF Direct widget
If you have a DAF giving account at Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, BNY Mellon Charitable or Greater Kansas City Community Foundation giving account, you can request a grant to the VDAF using the DAF Direct widget.
- Select the sponsoring organization from the “Donate now from” drop down menu.
- Enter the amount (in US dollars) you would like to recommend in the “Amount” field.
- Click on the “NEXT” button to proceed to your DAF provider’s website to complete your transaction.
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